“You will own nothing and be happy.”
How many people realize that they already own nothing?
Try not paying your taxes just once and prove it to yourself.
Children pick up the habits of their parents.
We become the system.
A thousand small strings hold us in place.
It is a hassle to leave the system.
The fantasy matrix is like the java virtual machine (browser). It is a little program, an alternate reality world, running inside your computer that allows you to speak the same language as all other computers on the internet. Without it the internet would be like the tower of Babel the day after God cursed it.
Children learn languages from being around other speakers.
Language is contagious in the same way the language of (false) love is contagious.
Satanic values are contagious.
We learn them gradually by observation and imitation.
In the schoolyard children pay to play.
Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I can sum up this tenant of Crowley in one word, “Freedom.”
Yep! I went there.
Take some time to think about that.
Your greatest goal. Greatest value. That thing that when taken from you makes you feel outraged is the very core of Satanism.
Many of you reading this are Christians.
When the government legalized the slaughter of children by the millions you were not happy about it. Some of you protested. Later, when perverts were allowed to marry and adopt children you shook your heads. Did you protest? No, because you were under the illusion that they were granted freedom, so it was ok but not the way you roll. But you did not try to shut down the country over it. It isn’t until the government tries to take away your freedom that you cry out like a child does when someone takes away his favorite toy.
Freedom is your god. Lady liberty is your goddess.
Isn’t it obvious by now?
Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.
I assure you the current definition of freedom is not the same as that of your grandparents or the founding fathers of your land. It has changed, eroded, mutated. The word is pronounced the same. The spelling is the same. But the meaning has been changed (like vaccination and terrorist) into a pure Satanic creed.
The definition of freedom is very different when explained by each of the 3 ego states.
The Adult will say freedom is the antithesis of slavery.
The Parent will state freedom is the right to raise my child without interference.
A child will say freedom is doing anything you want to… like Superman! He says this out of ignorance; he does not know what slavery is yet.
The child ego state is technically and perpetually insane.
Children believe that tantrums solve problems.
Tiananmen square in 1989 was a collective tantrum of the Chinese slaves. It did not end well for them. Most tantrums do not. If the purpose of a tantrum is to embarrass parents then, yes, they work. But wait until you get home.