They did it to make Conservatism, Capitalism, Christianity, and CONSUMERISM ubiquitous with being an American. When did they do it?
This video takes you through the history of it.
Believe it or not America was not always like this!
Remember this slogan? "ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE"
It was put out by the manufacturing alliance in the 50s.
The above video is imbedded. The original is linked to Youtube,
There was a time that people did not go to church (as much). They had home Bible studies with their families and friends. The first amendment guaranteed the right to home bible studies.
Americans were encouraged to join a cult. Any cult. It doesn’t matter which one, just join. They keep wanting us to join cults!
Why cults?
The Epoch Times is owned and run by Falun Gong (a cult). Why would a Chinese cult want to be the most trusted name in American patriotism?
While I was in the army I once met a Hare Krishna in the airport.
I did not know he was one. He was not wearing the orange toga.
He started talking to me and eventually shoved a book in my hand.
It was a vegetarian cookbook.
I said "Thanks." and started walking to my flight.
He said, "Wait, that book isn't free."
He wanted a donation to cover the cost... $12.
It was an aggressive sales technique.
Cults know a lot about how to use and manipulate children (and people in the Child Ego State).
Epoch Times is a rumor mill.
The first gossip is free.
After you are addicted it will cost you.
You many not be addicted but half of anyone you meet who considers himself conservative is. Epoch Times went from nothing to owning 1/2 of the "good" people in the USA in about 5 years.
Now that is a powerful mind control experiment!
Those little Sunday School booklets are always a red flag.
They direct the thoughts of the “church” to keep it from going astray. They make you feel like you are learning something when you are actually learning NOTHING.
The lessons are planned, as if God only had that ONE thing to teach you and this denomination knows it. It is so important that nothing else should or can be learned from that particular scripture.
They are all cults. Catholic™, Southern Baptist™, Mormon™, Jehovah’s Witnesses™, Seventh Day Adventist™, Manson Family™, People’s Temple featuring Jim Jones™, Branch Davidians™… these are all cults with unique franchise opportunities for a community just like yours. Yes, if you can preach a semi-persuasive sermon you can own your own franchise no different than a fast food McDonalds™ or Taco Bell™. You don’t have to make up your own religion, just rent it! They license you the name, send you junk food literature, they will even send you “experts” to advise you on your local advertising campaign.
The “c” in 501(c)(3) stands for “cult”. Jesus forgot to mention the need to make your church tax exempt. “Don’t render unto Caesar that which you can render unto your preacher!” is how he ended the sermon on the mount.
We live in a world of cults.
This cannot be a coincidence.
God obviously wants us to learn to discern cults.
He put us in a shark tank.
The Bible points out what sharks do and what they look like.
He expects us to learn which end of the shark is the bitey end.
Then he expects us to swim back to back in small groups so we can defend each other from them. This is not our best life now. This is boot camp for PsyOp battlefield training.
It always was. Don't let the sunny days fool you.
I would like to challenge your mind.
I can assume that you have tried to research the etymology of the word cult and, like I have, found that the end of the trail is a big mud puddle.
The definition above is nothing more than words upon words. It says nothing. It is meant to bore you so you move on still ignorant.
I do not believe the real info was lost.
I believe it is hidden, concealed, on purpose.
I believe this because nothing gets covered with mud like that unless someone did the covering.
Try this:
What is cultivation?
It is when you nurture. Yes. That is one way of looking at it.
How about slavery and domestication?
When you cultivate a plant you hoe around it to keep weeds from using up its resources.
So you CAN look at it as ekklessia.
Cult is not used in the bible since it is "Latin"???
It really is a strange word.
They hid it well.
They hid its origin under piles and piles of words and conjectures.
There is a difference between being called out and separated.
Pulled out by selection and then isolated for the sake of control.
Maybe I am in the weeds already but I just want to point out what I see as “culty” practice and how it relates to mind control.
Those little books that guide you through Sunday School.
The lesson books.
They tell you how to interpret the passages.
That is CULTY.
Sunday School itself.
Jesus never gave that command. There is no Sunday School in the whole Bible regardless of which translation you read.
From the beginning God said ""Parents are to raise their children. They are to teach them in the way they should go, in my ways , as you rise up, as you walk by the road, as you lie down."
The Jesuit/Pharisee way is:
Lay your sons and daughters at the feet of Gamaliel so he can teach them for you.
How do you make a good Pharisee?
Put him in a Pharisee setting.
Jesuits are Pharisees.
It is a pretty good education but you really did give your children to the archdiocese of Moloch.
They are fundamentally warped.
Cults keep people from straying.
It is all about control.
Occult is hidden control.
I believe "cult" is better translated as "control."
Because I am a control freak I see the world in terms of control.
So maybe my bias is making me see something that is not there.
I know how to find the truth in this. The one sure-fire tool I have for finding truth in a world of lies is to ask myself questions and answer them honestly. It works well. It requires no math… just honesty.
Ask yourself the question:
If it was just me, my wife, and kids. Alone on this planet. Would I hold a church service?
3 hymns and a sermon?
Or would I worship the Lord in some other, organic way?
What would that look like?
I look forward to your answer.
Don't be in a rush.
Meditate on it.
It will recalibrate your compass that always seems to point you to the doors of the Church of Churchianity. Guilt draws you to the doors of the cult. Why do you feel guilty if you are not in a cult that meets once per week?
I also believe that all ALL denominations have been hijacked by the Pharisees of that denomination. Those Pharisees just never seem to go away with their tails between their legs. They bothered Christ and they continue to bother us. They confuse those who seek righteousness with legalisms of the past.
The church is not a building. It is a state of mind.
The people need to walk away from them.
They will be babies forever unless they do.
A denomination that steals the title Assemblies Of God is not dissimilar from a mafia calling itself the State of Israel or a bank president calling himself the (vicar) substitute of Christ.
Or an adult calling himself your legal guardian.
I would be afraid to speak for God and call myself his "official" anything (as the names of most if not all denominations imply).
Jesus did not have a 501c status.
He did not even have a building.
Once you start to structure it like that (a corporation) you ruin the natural growth.
I really don't think Jesus had sitting in pews (like a synagogue) in mind when he used the words, "my church."
And you can't fix it from the inside. He would have tried that.
The vipers will not abandon their den.
If you are doing it right, they will try to drive you out.
I always thought home church was much more organic. And talking to God without a priest intervening was much more elegant. It takes a lot of scripture twisting to get the Bible to say, “All of God’s people should go to church.”
What church did Abraham attend? Moses? The apostles? How about Jesus himself?
I know, they were all Southern Baptists. LOL
On a side note:
What does the Phrygian Cap signify on Lady Liberty (wife of Uncle Sam)? I have never seen even one American (or anyone in the whole world for that matter) wear one of these stupid hats. Not even in 1917 when this was painted. Is that what she sleeps in? Did we wake her?
Lady Columbia
Shouldn’t we be called “Columbians?” Or name this place “Vespuciland?”
The things we take for granted that we really ought to know after 12 years of basic Prussian schooling:
I am ashamed of myself after realizing my own ignorance.