They’re short (ha ha)
Since there is no way to look at another human in a snapshot and determine which ego state he is in we must look for tell tale signs that betray his mental state.
One is his clothing.
Look at what an adult wears.
Now look at your child.
Do adults wear Underoos? No? Why?
Because adults wear practical clothing.
A construction worker anticipates danger and dresses appropriately so he will not injure himself. He will not wear a bikini to work. This is how adults think.
Children, on the other hand, will not think twice about running out the door naked.
Clothing is an afterthought.
They will wear Spiderman Underoos or their Halloween costumes because they want to pretend they are Spiderman at the moment.
Men who wear women’s clothes and wigs are in the child ego state.
People who wear shorts in the winter are in the child ego state.
So are people with green hair.
Talk to these people and you will be convinced I am not making this up. Whatever answer they give you it will seem as silly as a child rationalizing he needs to wear his Spiderman Underoos to your sister’s wedding. These are extremes and these people are indeed very childish. Perhaps they have been in the hypnosis of the child ego state for so long and so deeply that they rarely go back to being an adult any more. The Deep State takes note. These people are a good indicator of the effectiveness of their hypnosis. Likewise today face diapers are a great clue that these are people who are over the top with nanny issues.
But how about subtle signs?
What if you want to discern not the obvious cases but those only slightly infected - a sub clinical diagnosis?
One of the most remarkable ways is to view their bumper stickers. These are expressions of what is going on in their heads and what they think is important enough to advertise to the world. If a parent, child or adult had only an area the size of a bumper sticker to deliver a crucial message to everyone else what would it be? Would an adult ego state even engage in this type of behavior?
A similar beacon of the mental rate of child ego saturation is tattoos. How many and what they mean, also where they are. I assure you that people with tattooed faces are borderline neurotic. They have been in the child ego state way too long. Try to find even one responsible adult with a tattooed face. Good luck. Ask them why they got the tattoo. Ask any child why they did something stupid and they will usually say, “I don’t know.” The “why” always betrays the motive.
Not all tattoos are inspired by the child ego state but most are.