Lesson One:
The 3 crucial questions to ask about the brainwashed victim’s reality:
Do they know they are not quite right in the head?
Do they know they are different from others?
and Why can’t they see themselves in the mirror?
Have you noticed how dysfunctional the offspring of these tyrants are?
Take Hunter Biden for instance, he is 52 years old and still acts like he is a teenager.
How did this happen?
Didn’t anybody notice that little Hunter was not maturing normally?
With all the resources available to the Bidens (and with Jill being a qualified PhD doctor of psychology LOL) isn’t it odd that they didn’t step in and help him develop into a well adjusted adult so he wouldn’t embarrass his politician father?
After all, he is addicted to drugs, porn, sex and God knows what else.
He had an affair with his dead brother’s widow and recorded his blowjobs.
He has snorted coke and had sex with Obama’s daughters.
He engaged in incest with several family members.
His dad is creepy and married Hunter’s babysitter, Jill.
I believe they wanted Hunter to turn out exactly as he did and if they could they would have you end up the same way. Why? He is totally controllable. Addicts are the easiest of all people to control. They are all carrot. No stick necessary. They are absolutely predictable. They don’t care about consequences. And they are low maintenance (they are easily entertained until the next time you need them).
Do you think Hunter wanted to grow up to be an addict and a pervert?
They made him a slave, the bag man for Joe’s graft empire. And they made him happy to be of service to them as long as he gets his next fix (which BTW compared to the $ level of his crimes: trafficking, laundering, treason, is practically peanuts).
I am not beating on Hunter for fun.
I am using him as a reference point, a well-known example.
Can they do it to you?
They already did.
This is going to hurt.
You may hate me after this but you will be free.
“While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." 2 Peter 2:19
These are dangerous words so you may want to copy/paste them into a text document for safe keeping. You can always delete it but you can’t get it back once it is censored.
If I was Klaus Schwab I would shut this down before it got out of control.
Is the TV still off?
Let’s begin in earnest.