“Prolonged environmental stress or life situations profoundly different from the usual, can disrupt the normally integrative functions of personality. Individuals subjected to such forces may adapt through disassociation by generating an altered persona or pseudo-identity.” – Louis Jolyon West aka Jolly West, Director of MK Ultra program (Testimony given under oath given at Patty Hearst trial)
What Jolly West is saying (in obfuscatory language) is that when cognitive dissonance is crushed a person must experience a rush of reality that is so extreme it makes them insane.
This is why the “They Live” sunglasses hurt.
This is why reading these posts hurts.
How many people do you know that have gone down the rabbit hole so deep they are now wandering around in a daze? You can see in their eyes that they know that everything is a lie. Now they question all of reality itself. This is the ultimate result of breaking free from schizophrenia; a Herxheimer’s reaction; a cytokine storm of reality caused by purging of an infection too quickly.
This is also what makes the zombie’s brain explode.
In other words, the same poison that created the schizophrenia in the first place can also be the antidote… temporarily. The Child Ego state is like a narcotic. Take it away and the zombie goes through detox.
The touchstone that I always go back to is that people enjoy being in the child ego state.
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It is unnatural for adults, but they love it. The Deep State has programmed us to prefer it. As in the previous case studies 1-3 I posted, Ann, Rob, Corey, Ed -they want to be children. They feel at home there. They are hiding. They love the lack of responsibility for their actions and destiny.
What excuse do you have? What do you have to say for yourself, Bart Simpson?
"Uh… I’m five?"
If you can break them out of their child ego state they MUST take responsibility for their actions and oaths. So the trick is to break them out. Then they MUST act like adults and honor their covenants and take personal responsibility for their actions [and most importantly the consequences that arise from them]. They can’t hide behind a badge or edict/mandate delivered from on high. Children have issues with honor. Adults are bound by it.
This is why government bureaucracy zombies can act like uncaring Nazis “I vas just follovink orders ven I took avay your kinder from you!” Once you remove the badge and uniform they become humans again, conscience, guilt, and all the stuff that hurts when everything else feels good comes back to life. You can dezombify them just long enough to escape. I wish there was a way to make it permanent.
There is ONE way. It is called being born again, converted, metanoia (change of mind) and becoming a new person in Christ. But that is something that only God can do. It takes nothing short of a miracle to make a child want to be an adult.