Lesson Six
Have you ever watched a mother communicate with her child?
She will talk to it in a cutesy little snuggly wuggly voice that, if she used it on another adult, the other person would believe either she was neurotic or she was mocking him.
The communication transactions (sometimes called strokes) between the 3 ego states are very distinct. Adults speak to other adults in a certain way. Children speak to parents in a certain way. If I was on the street and an 8-year-old approached me asking, “Do you know where my Mommy is?” I would respond quite differently than if a cop asked me the same question. For the child, I would change my ego state from adult to parent and answer like one. If you eaves drop on a conversation amongst children you know the subject matter, exchange, and intent of the transaction is very different from an adult conversation.
The concept of transactional psychology – as the psychologists labeled it - was made popular in a book by Eric Berne in the 1980s entitled Games People Play. It describes how seemingly adult people would “spontaneously” slip into a child ego state and stop acting like rational adults. It would confuse the adults around them because as far as they were concerned their adult friend/coworker/spouse was still there in body but his mind was hijacked, much like invasion of the body snatchers. He called these “slips” games thus the theory of human gaming.
What are these supposed games people play?
The subject is too lengthy to detail here. The book is an easy read if you are curious.
Here are a few game titles to give you the general flavor.
"Now I've Got You, You Son of a Bitch,"
"Why does this always happen to me?”
“See what you made me do”
“If it weren't for you”
“Look how hard I've tried”
“Let's you and him fight”
and my favorite
“Let's pull a fast one on Joey”
The titles are clever summations of the games as if a child would name them since it is the child ego state that initiates them.
These games often have tragic ends such as divorce, jail, the hospital, or the morgue for one or both of the people involved. The really alarming part is that *the initiator of the game does not even realize what he/she is doing*. It is all subconscious. So when I tell you it is possible for adults to slip into a child ego state it is not speculation on my part. In fact, like VAERS underreporting, this is more than common – it should be expected daily – even without deliberate hypnotism.
Joe South understood the 3 ego states. He may not have delineated them as such but he definitely had insight into some of the dynamics of the interactions.
“Oh we make one another cry
Break a heart then we say goodbye
Cross our hearts and we hope to die
That the other was to blame”
What you have just learned in the last 2 lessons is the key to “illuminati” mind control.
Now let me prove it.