Lesson Ten
What exactly is this thing Robert Malone and the CIA calls “Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP)”? He talks about it in vague terms that do not explain the dynamics in any meaningful way.
They talk to us like parents to children so we therefore obey like children.
If they address us like adults we will respond like adults and they will instantly lose their authority over us.
They mesmerize us into this regression back into our child ego state.
By implementing this method of subtle suggestion with a constant reinforcement in a myriad of ways they manage to dissolve the real family system and replace it with a subconscious need for authoritarian government as a surrogate parent or foster care for adults.
This is because children, when they are injured or in danger crave parents.
Another way to phrase it is this:
Hypnotize someone into believing he is a child.
Then pretend to be his parent.
Do it on a mass scale and you have control over them all.
Regression into a child ego state is done subtly, in the background, in the shadows of awareness. It is accomplished through suggestion and training with lots of repetition in every situation possible thereby “proving” to the victim that he is helpless.
The key is to making the victim forget that he was ever an adult.
Once he is no longer an individual he will crave to become part of a group.
Once he attains a voluntary herd mentality he, and the whole group, can be controlled by the leader of the group, reason and logic is no longer necessary.
It is spiritual communism.
Here are some examples:
”We must work together to flatten the curve – Team Kentucky!”
Or here is one that will really hit home to those who believe they are enlightened:
Where We Go One We Go All
Tie your destiny (and mind) to our group!
We are the herd that is wise and will survive!
But it doesn’t stop there.
The same mind control works behind the scenes for various groups like Nazis, Scientologists, Republicans, Democrats, Labor, Tories, Catholics, and virtually any cult.
The list is too long to print.
The only difference is that each of these groups have different “parents.”
The whole structure of the modern world is a series of often overlapping “cults.”
The technique has been honed by the CIA for decades in Jonestown Guyana, the Phoenix Program in Vietnam, and of course Zionist Israel.
Malone had the opportunity to explain it. Joe Rogan had the opportunity to ask him to explain it but did not. Why?
It is the difference between telling you that your neighbors are motionless because they are in a prison chained to the walls and telling you where the keys to their shackles are located.
It provides a superficially satisfying answer, an answer satisfying to a child mind but not to an adult. It is even more proof that this is the case.
Take time to contemplate this.
Do not let it slip away from your consciousness.
Your mind WANTS to fall back to your sleepwalking state.
You have to want it more.
Who did this to us?
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