Now, as I was researching all of this I stumbled across some hidden tools or solutions built right into our constitution that our founding fathers in their prudence left us to use as a last ditch effort to save our nation.
Do you remember that Nick Cage movie called National Treasure about how there was a code and a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence? It was stupid. But this is something like that (without the stupid part).
Many children reading this will say I am crazy and seeing things that are not there but whether the founding fathers left them there or not they actually are there so why not use them?
Maybe I am just extrapolating instead of discerning but if so then I have extrapolated correctly. Probably these tools are a result of how their post-revolutionary-war minds worked.
They had been through a lot and they were probably not expecting that our country would fall into a hopeless morass of Child Ego State dominated schizophrenic children like it is now.
[If you still don't know what I am talking about then look here:
and here to learn why you are schizophrenic but think it is normal
and here to find out everything else that is dysfunctional in your mind]
But if not, then these tools would have been obvious to adults all along. They would only be hidden to the #ChildEgoState and perhaps our enemies have noticed them but kept their purpose obscured intentionally.
The Adult Ego State can think outside of the box and make connections that a child cannot.
So these things may not really be hidden in the same way the use of the doorknob is hidden to the raccoon but not to the man with opposable thumbs.
It was in not in the amendments themselves but in the way they were organized.
Why else would the amendments be in such an unusual order?
Just like with computer code it is not the commands themselves that are very useful but it is in the combinations that makes the computer come alive and it becomes more than just a silicone calculator.
Or maybe I am just a nut.
But like they say in the marine corps if its crazy but it works its not crazy.
Like shoving a cigarette butt through your rifle barrel to clean it. It works beautifully. Just because the inventors of cigarette filters did not design them to be used for gun cleaning doesn’t make it wrong no more than using ivermectin or nicotine to purge snake venom from your body is wrong.
Or like packing your Bible in your coat or flak vest as improvised body armor: it serves a dual purpose and can save your life in more than one way.
Doing something without being told by the government to do it is something only the #AdultEgoState is capable of doing.
Seeing problems before they become unmanageable is also an Adult ability. Being in the God Ego State lets you see even further into the future.
Children just cry and poop themselves.
That is the kind of reaction they are expecting from us.
But they are not expecting this...
So the following posts will only be understood by Adults (with a capital A).
Children, just hold your tongues.
The adults are going to talk grown-up stuff.
Now I want you to listen very carefully and for God’s sake –turn off the TV.
Just Focus.