The difference between civil war and revolution is the goal.
A civil war is an excuse for children to go wild.
A revolution's goal is to right the wrongs when all legal means have been exhausted or it becomes obvious that it is futile to try any other way.
It involves taking matters into your own hands.
But this can only be accomplished by adults. #AdultEgoState
Our founding fathers were adults.
They lived in a hard world where people lived much harder lives.
No one could afford to be a child trapped in an adult's body and live very long.
Samuel Adams did not have the option to live in his parent's basement smoking pot and playing video games until he was 40.
Ben Franklin could not try to influence other people trapped in the Child Ego State by posting memes for Qanon on his printing press all day waiting for Trump to return riding high on his white golf cart with his 9-iron raised yelling, "Charge the Capitol!"
No, he inflamed the passions of the people with sound adult arguments highlighting WHY the king was unworthy to rule anybody, let alone the men who had carved 13 nations out of a rugged wilderness.
Civil War Phobia is the fear button that Controlled Opposition Personalities and Influencers indirectly push when they tell you to vote harder (that is what they did for the last 2 years) and lionize a handful of attorneys who are supposedly fighting on your behalf.
As noble as these crusaders may be (and I am not sure they are) no one has ever sued their way out of tyranny.
That is a myth.
If it was possible our founding fathers would have included an amendment to make that possible.
The Declaration of Independence [the prologue to the Constitution] makes it clear that this type of strategy is for losers.
And when the losers come to their senses only willpower and bullets will rule the day.
No amount of pleading or groveling will work.
Guys like Stew Peters, Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Hal Turner, Tucker Carlson, Amazing Polly, The Sons of liberty, Del Bigtree, Dave Fishbein at X22 report and all the rest are paid propagandists. They post videos and podcasts that keep the hopium trickling out. But for years they have offered no solutions. None.
Few people can admit to themselves that they are now much worse off than when they started listening to them. You are worse off because you knew the problems were there but time has made them worse.
These people will not save you.
That is not their goal.
If it was they certainly would have accomplished something.
Their results speak for themselves.
Either they are incompetent or wolves in sheep's clothing.
Whichever is the case it is time to eliminate the hopium from your minds and come back to reality.
Talk will not solve this.
Sitting and listening to them certainly will not.
The only question right now that is important is:
How long will you go before you stop doing nothing?
You are not going to ride this out by storing dried beans.
That has never happened.
If you don't believe me then find someone who did that successfully.
Just one person.
You cannot hide from it.
You cannot wish it away.
You must deal with it like an adult.
The longer you wait the more painful it will be.
It cannot be ignored.
How can you stand with Ukraine when you won't stand up for yourself?
This is the time when slogans are cheap.
They will all end soon.
How do you successfully prosecute a revolution?