Communist usurpers are well schooled in the law.
They see the world as a house made of laws whereas we just live in it and don’t really know how it is held together.
They see it in a way that we don’t and never will because we are not looking to overthrow the government. They have gone to the best colleges where they got to examine the blueprints with a magnifying glass and were trained by liberal law professors to understand the weaknesses of it.
While they pretend to be working to make it stronger they are actually preparing to demolish it.
They know the jurisdictions between local, state, and federal courts are very blurry.
They can destroy the USA legally and completely better than war can –and they can do it without leaving any fingerprints and make it all look like a big fat coincidence.
They know which laws have teeth and which ones can be exploited because we have no redress anymore. Notice how they never go to jail themselves?
Abuse of past civil war outrage laws that are covered with dust are waiting to be activated
They were schooled in these laws.
While all the other lawyers were looking at the other more common laws to earn a living the communist usurpers were focusing on these hidden weaknesses in the American experiment.
Right NOW Cenk Uygur, the lawyer of The Young Turks, is making it possible for any naturalized immigrant to be president of the USA. Arnold Schwarzenegger is helping him. He is using the 14th amendment. His case is solid.
What would you do if one of these Mexican illegals won the presidency?
How about a Chinese national?
Dual citizenship Israeli?
That is why Merrick Garland does what he does –he is preparing the USA to institute these laws and is following a script to make our present situation parallel the previous civil war as much as possible, but this time we are the Confederacy of Southern States.
You didn’t think they just pick random ugly incompetent Fake Jews for the Supreme Court or head of the Justice Department do you? He is one of THOSE lawyers too.
We are being led to play the role that is prepared for us as bitter defeated Southerners in a NWO.
[At first I thought calling us "domestic terrorists" was simply because they like to exaggerate our threat. But no, they chose that term carefully as a set up for later. Adults choose their own labels. Children get stuck with nicknames picked for them (usually by those in the schoolyard that hate them).
The evil lawyers first got us to accept their label without objection. We mused, “Ha Ha they overestimate us, good. Let them be scared of us.” and we let it slide. Now, it is our official label. Later, it will be the name of the crime used at trial to convict us. But these are evil lawyers. The other verbal trick it to keep calling January 6th and insurrection. By doing so they make Donald Trump the ONLY person who can now never again be POTUS –if the Supreme Court has to make a decision about the election. They don't make mistakes. They set traps.]
They are dividing the country into 2 realities. North vs. South.
Replace illegal aliens with freed slaves and you have reenacted the situation all over again with slight variances. Replace Trump with General Lee. Replace Southerners with MAGA.
The liberals/progressives/democrats are the Northerners this time. They will want the illegals to have the right to vote (and all the other rights of citizenship: healthcare, run for office, own guns, etc.)
The conservative/nationalist/MAGA republicans take on the role of the Southerners. They oppose all this and view it correctly as a threat.
The most important distinction is that instead of being separated North and South of the Mason Dixon line both groups are living side by side. Most Americans do not know and will not know their neighborhood’s majority affiliation until it is too late.
Here are some terms that you should understand:
Klu Klux Clan Act of 1871
Abuse of Bail Bond laws
1812 Federal Officer removal Act
Section 1983 [aka Section 1 (42 USC § 1983)]
Under Color of Law abuses
Why? Because each one was used against the KKK and will be used against you too.
In fact, Trump, Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani, Proud Boys, Stop the Steal, Oath Keepers were sued by the NAACP (and others) in 2021 for violating the dusty statutes of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.
See how they all worked together set us up for failure?