If you have read this far then I salute you.
Hearing this is painful.
You know it is true and don’t want to hear it but you press on.
A little voice in the back of your head says, “Later, you can always ignore or forget it.”
Yes, it is your choice.
It will always be your choice.
God gave you that.
That is why you are made in his image.
That is why the demons and Fake Jews hate us.
They have no choices left.
Is your identity what you say it is or what you don’t say?
It is what you hold back.
THAT is your true self.
It is not set in stone. It is an amorphous thing that is capable of changing. I once identified as a soldier in the 1st Armored Division. I do not now.
I was once a Czechoslovakian, but not now.
I was once an American, but now I realize it was a trick based on belief in a mythical land called America. I would not die for this country. Not THIS country. Maybe a completely reformed one but that would be a hard sell at this point. Trump could not be the one delivering the sales pitch.
The purpose of social media is so they can discover your true self and manipulate it.
It is a social policing tool.
They want you to dump what is on your mind.
What better way than to anger you?
People who are happy rarely say things they regret.
So they anger you every day.
It is not a coincidence that you have been angered for the last 3 years.
When was the last time the people of ANY nation on earth celebrated in the streets?
The end of the Afghan war? No.
The end of Viet Nam? No.
World War II. That was a loooong time ago. We are long overdue for a world-wide celebration. Anyway…
Your SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE is a metric of how effective the propaganda has been in influencing your #ChildEgoState.
They are monitoring how well they are affecting your thinking.
They are managing your goodwill.
How long ago was it since you have a warm fuzzy feeling about Trump?
How about RFK Jr.?
Interesting how ephemeral these seemingly “organic” feelings we have toward these two complete strangers is, isn’t it? Never underestimate the power of a villain to make you like someone. Hillary. Biden. Fauci. The underdog is beloved no matter where you go on earth.
People should hate having their “given” identity revealed.
It makes them feel like they have been boxed and labeled.
It proves to them that they are not independent.
So it does.
It is not about privacy.
You adulterated your privacy with the whole Facebook world.
You are angry that they know where you will be tomorrow before you do.
Advertisers are always analyzing and pigeon-holing people.
You go on ANY web site and right there in your face they write, “You might also like…”
Each time they do it they are calling you a child, predictable, shallow.
But you are!
(as a #ChildEgoState)
If there was a Nazi-centered search LLM at a secure private Nazi web site would the Nazis be offended that there is an algorithm predicting his desires offering info? Maybe.
I am not picking on Nazis. They just happen to be a readily available example. I could have just as easily selected Jews for my example. Any cult will do.
They don’t care about your real identity. They can always change that later. They just want your attention.
As long as you think you are a Nazi… sorry, let’s change that midstream… Jew and everyone else thinks you are a Jew that is all that matters to them. Because in reality you are a child of the Most High Creator God and that is what you will always be no matter if they cut of your penis, color you blue, or superglue horns on your head.
If you ever start thinking in those terms then they get nervous. They will just hope no one believes you. And they will especially hope that you do not start thinking like an adult. But that is all they can do… hope. If you shut off the magic lantern they have no power!
So they focus your attention on White – Black, Conservative –Liberal, Male –Female, Hetero –Trans.
Your real identity is a mystery even to you.
Adults don’t need one.
Children do.
Tyrants desperately want you to have the one they chose for you.
That is why the game is formatted as multiple choice.
And the correct choice is nowhere on the form.
It is never even discussed.
"With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image."
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