The following is an excerpt from a paper written by Milton H. Erickson M.D.
He, along with Gregory Bateson, is one of the pioneers of the greatest method of psychological manipulation ever discovered -and is currently being used against us all (as a civilization) by the Deep State.
Erickson used a combination of hypnosis and double binds on his patients for therapeutic reasons. He cured them of bed-wetting, fingernail biting, smoking, over-eating, as well as hundreds of other conditions.
He did not intend his pioneering work in psychology to be used as a weapon. Neither did Bateson who discovered the cause and cure for schizophrenia. Both of them seemed like really nice guys; you can tell by their writings. All during their lives the Psych community called them quacks.
Then those same gatekeepers of truth turned around and used these tools as weapons for the CIA during the Phoenix Program in Viet Nam and seemingly every government coup/overthrow since then.
He did not invent his techniques for evil. As you read his papers you will notice that they are very short of technical jargon. It seems to me that he wrote them in a simple style so that the common man could read and understand them. By doing so he made them available to all.
He also could make people aware of how they were being manipulated. He noticed that throughout history these tricks were being used but were never given official names. To name a thing is a way to identify it and the dangers of it.
Like the Colt .45, knowledge of the existence of these psychological weapons could be used as a great equalizer between slaves and overlords. That is why 99% of all the people I have ever met (even in academia) have never heard of either of these men. They have been almost wiped from the history books. If not for pure serendipity I would not have learned of them either.
If every human read and understood the concepts contained in these writings they would be immune to ALL of the propaganda we are incessantly exposed to today. That is why they buried all of this. It is there, but they don’t talk about it.
That is why I am talking about it and intend never to stop until the word gets out.
And if you repost it then we will become like the hydra; if you cut off one head two more grow in its place.
I cannot post a link to the original paper as there is an access wall around Researchgate(.) com that only I can enter since I am a published medical author. The best I can do is provide a poor quality version that is posted through India
The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
Volume 17, Number 3, January 1975
When I was a boy on the farm, it was not uncommon for my father to say to me, "Do you want to feed the chickens first or the hogs, and then do you want to fill the woodbox or pump the water for the cows first?"
What I realized then was that my father had given me a choice; I, as a person, had the primary privilege of deciding which task I was to do first. I did not realize at the time that this primary privilege rested entirely upon my secondary acceptance of all the tasks mentioned.
I was unwittingly committed to the performance of the tasks which had to be done by being given the primary privilege of determining their order. I did not recognize that I was accepting the position of being placed in a double bind
The tasks had to be done; there was no escaping the fact that the kitchen range burned wood to cook my breakfast and that the cows did need to drink.
These were items of fact against which I could not rebel. But I did have the profoundly important privilege as an individual of deciding in which order I should and would do them.
The conception of what a double bind was escaped me though I often wondered why I was seemingly willing to "pick off" potato bugs or hoe potatoes rather than playing.
How to manipulate Goyim and other cattle