It is about guns and militias.
The KKK was a militia.
It really was!
It was the men of the south spontaneously organizing their own defense force during a time when there was no phone service and not enough police to maintain the type of “order” they thought they needed to “maintain the peace.”
I put it in quotes because I think they were deeply misguided and abused their power but there is no doubt that it was a totally legal militia being used as it was intended -to enforce the will of the people.
And you can see from my previous posts how effective it was. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 only worked because it suspended the constitutional writ of habeas corpus and sent in the troops against Americans.
It clearly demonstrates that a militia can accomplish much more than we tend to think it can or should.
In the Bible the book of Judges could be called the book of Militia Leaders as it shows the same principle in action. The Zionists used militias to terrorize Palestinians off their land pre-1947 and still use the tactic today.
Do you notice that the Constitution never mentions a police force?
Someone might say “How about the Sheriff?”
Nope. Not there.
How many steps between a church and a militia?
1/ A church is already organized.
2/ The most difficult part, that of recruiting loyal soldiers, is already accomplished.
3/ You don’t have to investigate them as suspected spies.
4/ And everyone is already unafraid to die.
5/ The soldiers come with a loyal backup battalion of wives, daughters and children. The rear support is just as important as the front-line soldiers and requires ten times the personnel.
Resupplying and feeding your army is crucial. In fact, it is the way most wars are won -disruption of supply lines. And the rear support also handles communication, coordination, and evacuating the wounded. They do everything except the fighting.
All a church [or a Bible Study Group] needs to do is to work out its communications methods and train with tactics in the field.
Then they just need a leader who knows how to formulate/coordinate a strategy.
Most pastors are probably not prepared for that although if they really studied the Bible they could be.
A big state-run church NEVER does any of this.
It does not even consider it appropriate.
This is not a coincidence.
It is worthy to note that after the KKK was broken up it reorganized and rebranded itself as a series of "rifle clubs." Again, militias -a 100% voluntary police force -what a concept!
But in 1776 I have a sneaking suspicion they were very aware of this.
I am beginning to doubt all the “history” about our founders being freemasons and organizing the revolution through that secret society.
If they were Masons, then the freemasonry was probably a red herring and here is my reasoning: if they were planning revolution in the lodges then why wouldn’t the English Loyalists in the lodges spill the beans to the Crown?
After all, wasn’t the king also the head of the freemasons? There is no violation of oath with allowing info to flow up to the top of the pyramid, is there?
No. You expect to keep the all-seeing-eye informed!
It is not too late folks.
Repent truly.
Put on sackcloth and ashes.
Confess your sins to God and each other.
Vow to remove all usury, tolerance of lies, covetousness, abortion, etc. from your lives and your land. Remove the perverts.
Purify the land with a solemn oath to never let this happen again.
And turn your churches into small Bible Study Groups.
Make the Bible Study Groups into militias.
Give God a reason to want to help you.
He has NEVER helped anyone until they turned from their wickedness first!
Look at what he did for Nineveh in the book of Jonah.
But you have to be serious otherwise there is no hope and you should not read what I write because it will only make you hate me and yourself up until the day you have been completely conquered by the NaZion of Israel.
I don’t post this stuff just because I am in love with the sound of my own keys clicking.
I do it because I am led to.
This is the sound of one man typing in the wilderness.
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