They keep telling one group that it is about race.
It is not about race.
It is about morality.
What race are the sodomites?
What race are the thieves, liars, or drug dealers?
These are the things we despise and terrorize our world.
These are the things that make a land vomit out its inhabitants.
They are not tied to race.
Is it an invasion of Mexicans? No. There are still plenty of Mexicans in Mexico. They aren’t all crossing the border. Which ones are? Those without morals. Those who are lawless.
Are all blacks in Chicago shooting each other? No. Which ones are? The lawless.
“I never knew you, you who act like I never gave you a law.” -Jesus
You don’t need written laws if you have a conscience.
Who enslaved the Blacks? Who brought them not only here but all over the world? The Jews? No. The evil Fake Jews.
"And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: …wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.” …for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."
Who purchased the chattel slaves? The lawless. Those without morals.
Who enslaves us now? All Jews? No. The lawless.
God has a law. If the Jews follow it they are truly Jews and a light unto the world. If they do not follow it they are simply not Jews -according to God himself.
It has always been about evil vs. good, wicked vs. righteous, selfish vs. kind.
Do guns kill people? No. It is the evil soul behind the gun.
Race is a false dialectic. A scapegoat.
They want to make it about race.
It’s not about how you look; it is about how you think.
I live in Kentucky. There are selfish white trash all around me: thieves, drug addicts, welfare abusers… 5 generations old with no end in sight. Everyone around me is White. If there ever was proof that an all White utopia could exist this should be it.
For 200 years the whites could have proved themselves. Instead this is the armpit of America. We have piles of garbage in almost every back yard. The rivers are so polluted with trash that when they go dry during a drought the whole bottom is obviously covered with old tires. The whites here are stupid, toothless, lazy, obese and poor beyond belief. Their children get worse with every generation. They tie a dog to a tree and let it die. And 80% attend church regularly. They are totally incapable of solving their own problems. Could a community of blacks do any worse?
Rapists come in all skin colors.
They are playing the same game with genders, pitting men vs. women, children vs. adults, poor vs. less poor. They never pit rich vs. rich. See the pattern?
Some people earned their wealth. I know 4 or 5 mechanics who are millionaires and earned every penny with bloody greasy knuckles. Then there are the millionaires like Soros and Musk who are part of the tribe.
God said it was about good vs. evil.
They want you to believe he didn’t know what he was talking about.
Did Jesus say it was about race?
“Blessed are the Germans for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
No. He said blessed are those who seek after righteousness.
There are ancient fortified borders along all of these European countries.
They didn’t just happen.
They told each other “Your tribe goes no further than this.” and when the verbal warning didn’t work they built a barrier. Whites keeping out other Whites.
In South Africa before the Boers arrived the Blacks were keeping out other Blacks in the same way.
Let me hand pick 200 families from every known race, a completely multi-racial group of only God fearing born-again Christians. We can let them live in one isolated town, come back after 1000 years and see what happened to them. I bet we would find them thriving.
It is about respect for God.
And respect for each other.
The whole of the law hangs on these two principles.