If that is your first instinctive response to tyranny then they have you right where they want you mentally.
That is how a child responds.
Or really the term is “reacts.”
Children react.
They don’t think or consider.
They can’t.
How would an adult respond to a tyrant?
Adult responses are not predictable like children.
Adults will have many different responses and they would each have to be dealt with in a different way because adults are individuals with individual unique responses.
For instance, my response (because I am a Christian) would be a question, “Do I have a covenant with you?”
If the answer is, “Yes!” then I would ask,” Is that covenant subordinate to any other covenants like the one I have with God or my wife?”
“Let’s take a look at this covenant you say I agreed to and make certain you are aware of your portion and I am aware of mine.”
This is not what a tyrant wants.
If he is overstepping his authority the last thing he wants to do is examine the details for validity.
He wants you to react emotionally like a child.
He is hoping you will say “No!” and become belligerent and not think any more.
Notice how people are being led to protests which are absolutely ineffective.
Protesting is simply low-level aggression.
It is still a tantrum but holding signs.
It accomplishes exactly what the authoritarian parent wants.
You are playing into his hands.
What do you accomplish with a tantrum?
You give him tacit permission to whup your butt.
Protests allow them to use their new toys that they were saving for just such an occasion.
Protest all you want, Dan Andrews wont be out there wearing body armor ducking rocks.
Joe Biden will probably sleep through the whole thing.
But you say, “it worked for BLM!”
That is because they wanted BLM to succeed – it gave them more power as a parent.
BLM is a government sanctioned tantrum club.
Molon Labe
If you say, “Come and take it!” then if you get what you asked for you should not complain. Children say things like that and the tyrants know it. They don’t want your guns. They want you to be in the child ego state because in that state – and ONLY in that state – they can control you. They fear adults. They do not fear children.
Adults find clever, innovative ways to not resist but overthrow. Adults are problem solvers. They get results. A population of adults would stop paying taxes and start using only cash. They would create a parallel underground economy that the tyrant could not tax or trace. Then they would dress up like Indians and dump the crates of tea into the harbor.
What’s more, adults, being individuals, would not do just one thing but each one would do something different that they uniquely could accomplish successfully. There would be millions of plans running simultaneously. No government on earth could stand up to that. Not even the mighty British Empire!
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