Without the fear porn the whole thing falls apart.
This time around they learned that by targeting the tin-foil hat community they can have total control.
They had the usual top down control for decades with MSM TV, but there was always that under current -that grass roots subculture of resistors hiding in the shadows.
But now they are running parallel psyops: one from the top down and the other from the bottom up– the wild wild web that attracted all the dissidents.
That was the previously neglected piece of this WEF pinscher movement. Notice how many guys are recording useless “resist” videos from their cars and bathrooms. Not one has a novel innovative original idea or solution. They are like training assistants trying to motivate you to do “Just one more protest and we can win!”
Here’s an idea. Everbody throw away your phones (you don’t need them), use cash, boycott all evil corporations, shut off the TV and just think your own thoughts, stay calm, and talk to your neighbors face to face. Let’s see the CIA try to stop THAT.
OK, I’m back to my Adult Ego State. Now let’s talk about why the regular old cops are crucial to Deep State control.
The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) allows unlimited detention by the government of anyone claimed to be a suspected terrorist by the President of the USA. The government means, “cops.” Police have been authorized to do whatever they want to you now that the definition of terrorist is so loose. Anyone can prove that anybody is a terrorist these days. But they don’t have to prove anything. Unlimited detention does not require proof or even a formal charge.
You, reader, have not been detained simply because they have not gotten to it yet. Simply reading this post is probable cause. This is why it is important to be able to manipulate zombies in cop uniforms.
Don’t feel bad about wanting to do it. The cops are already being manipulated by the Deep State folks. Think of it this way: you are simply playing with the keyboard while Bill Gates stepped away from his desk for a minute.
The cops should have noticed something is wrong and probably did at some point but their job and their orders keep them all focused on the immediate issues so they couldn’t think about the big picture. That is how all zombies are. They tend to see life/existence as a series of tasks and never look to the horizon. Why? Because they are children and that’s what children do. They live for now. They don’t think about the solvency of retirement funds. It is a rare child that, when given a textbook in school, will read the whole thing. They prefer to follow the slow, methodical, assigned reading schedule (and ignore it if possible).
So how can we manipulate the average zombie cop?
Let’s go to the source. The evil genius, Jolly West.