I agree with the leftists on one point.
I have noticed there are 2 major groups of people in each and every country –without exception.
They call themselves the right and the left. Sometimes they call themselves conservatives and liberals. There are other terms too but that should be enough.
This is not a coincidence.
But what really differentiates these 2 groups is how they see the world.
One sees the world through Marxist [Classist] terms.
Rich oppressing poor is the cause of all evil.
The other sees it through Racial terms.
Races mistreating other races is the cause of all evil.
Neither view is organic in origin.
But they are living side by side and neither can understand the other because they don’t want to. If they could ever unite, just for a moment, they would be unstoppable. But instead of fighting their common enemy [which is exploiting races and classes as well as sexes and ages] they are perpetually fighting each other out of a deep paranoia that if the other side gains too much power they may fundamentally change the world in a undesirable way.
Both sides waaaaaay overestimate the power of the other.
So the manipulators keep winning.
When anyone gets close to them they simply choose one of these two groups to antagonize. Then they whisper to the other group that they need to act now or they will lose everything.
"This is the most important election ever!" It always is. And we always lose no matter who wins.
It is such a simple dialectic weapon that it is hard for me to believe that it works on intelligent beings that have no problem playing poker.
The irony of it is that the racists are not really racist and the classists are not truly classists. They only act like they are because they get an emotional buzz/thrill off of it.
It is like people getting a high off self-strangulation. They are not drug addicts. They could get the same high from standing up really fast (postural hypotension) and they would if their controllers suggested it to them as an alternative.
In both groups the controllers did a bait and switch.
They took their own ideas and inserted them into the minds of their captives.
They disguised these ideas as tradition, as if they were very old and validated over time, and therefore must be true.
Neither ideology is solid.
Both are distorted.
Nobody has bothered to think them through.
Both sides expand on their dogma until they have painted themselves into a corner. They become set in their positions so hard and fast that they can’t walk it back. It is because both cults rely on deep emotions for their power. That is why they thrive on statements that draw out the #ChildEgoState.
If the self-appointed leaders of either side would encourage their people to tap into the power of the #AdultEgoState the movement would immediately go through a renaissance, adjust its inaccurate positions, and quickly conquer the world almost effortlessly.
Both sides are controlled opposition cults but at this point are so powerful that if the NWO overlords ever lost control of their crypto-leadership they would be doomed. The controlled opposition group(s) have become de facto nuclear weapons.
To keep them from thinking for themselves they have learned to use highly symbolic emotion triggering memes. Each one is a burst of dopamine. They may as well be flags. And the opposing group has been assigned a reciprocal mockery meme.
I am shocked that after all this time the members of either group have not asked themselves why they have not succeeded if their ideology is so obviously correct.
I guess they both keep accepting the lame excuses their leaders dole out. “We just didn’t have the votes.” Or “Next time for sure! We came so close.” Or “They cheated. We will have to cheat better!” Or “Our day will come. These things take time.”
In the end the cults become identities.
They morph into little more than social clubs.
Here is the secret of being a human on earth:
You don’t need an identity!
Once you accept one -you are chained to it.
That is why they want you to have one!
That is why they offer you as many as you want.
They are like bowling balls in a knapsack.
They limit your mental movement.
It is OK to change your mind about anything you wish.
Therein lies your freedom.
Don’t give away your mental virginity to a stupid cult.
Your soul is even more precious than that.
It is a gift from God to you alone.
It’s one of a kind.
Worth more than the whole planet.
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