There is a lot of speculation about Illuminati mind control lately.
I have written about it extensively.
But after some deep contemplation I have finally sniffed up their little secret.
It is quite simple and elegant really.
Have you ever had what alcoholics call “a moment of clarity” and realized that for over 2 years now they have gotten away with literally murder while steamrolling an agenda that will insure that our children and our children’s children will be hopelessly enslaved to their slightest caprice?
They might be sex slaves.
They might be uranium miners.
Or they might just be involuntary organ donors.
Whatever Klaus wants them to be.
What is keeping us from ripping their heads off?
You know our founding fathers would not have tolerated this.
They started a revolution over much less.
And yet our “heroes” like Rand Paul can’t even seem to garner enough courage ask Fauci to STOP financing that lab in Wuhan (and dozens of others) with OUR OWN MONEY.
It is like a bad dream where you are running from something and can’t seem to make any distance. It is like a Milgram experiment where everyone is in on the gag except you.
Do you feel helpless to do anything but let events unfold out of control?
This is how brainwashed people feel.
They know what is happening but are powerless.
This is mental enslavement.
But unlike the textbook MK ULTRA style LSD/torture techniques you have been manipulated in a very subtle way to be powerless in spite of the power you were sure you had.
You must have had that power.
You remember you once had it, don’t you?
But somehow you lost it somewhere, somehow, some time in the past.
You have guns.
You have the 1st amendment, the 2nd, the 3rd and all 10 in the Bill of Rights plus dozens of other very old sheets of paper. These were inalienable rights given to you by God himself! Yet it seems only the “aliens” have those rights now. Why does “THE LAW” apply only to you?
You were certain this could not happen here.
Not to us.
I had the same questions.
Turn off the TV and any other distractions. I promise you this will be the most important thing you have ever read but it will require your concentration. The spell is deep and strong. Seriously, turn off the TV. There is nothing you will miss. They will repeat it for you. Trust me.
Clear your mind and listen very carefully. You will have to think about this afterwards or you will slip back into the delusion.
Forget about what Alex Jones just “discovered” or what Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow just said. Very soon it will not matter. You will see them for what they are and always were. I will not tell you. You will figure it out for yourself. Your “political leaning” does not matter. This message is for everyone.
You are the children of tyrants.
Here is the first lesson.