In the #ChildEgoState we tend to act like primitive humans.
In this state we will always be mental hunter/gatherers.
We visit our favorite watering hole as soon as we turn on the computer.
We hunt new memes and catch phrases for our sociological health.
We collect them daily until we get a belly full.
We feed our minds.
The propaganda we ingest reinforces our reality tunnel.
In a crazy world full of schizophrenic children we don’t know what to think so we wait to be told what to think each and every day.
Everyone has a different world view now.
We can’t agree on reality because we don’t discuss it with each other in real life.
Online life has prevented this.
The #AdultEgoState does not rely on gathering from a central narrative.
Adults thrive by growing their own food.
They chose their own destiny.
Adults constantly have original thoughts.
That is the way God intended it.
The beast has many heads and many tits with which it feeds its minions their reality milk.
Nazis are one head. Fake Jews are another.
The heads of the beast are the propaganda outlets for each group.
That is why Stew Peters and Rick Wiles, although they may vary in content, the central theme is always the same: WW3 is about to break out in Ukraine, People are shedding vax proteins, The FBI is corrupt, There are 30+ bio weapons labs in Ukraine (that nobody photographed and can’t find on a map).
I don’t know if any of that is true.
I can’t confirm it.
But Stew and Rick never question the theme, only the details.
It is like watching the Marvel Spiderman™ movie remakes.
The only thing that stays the same is that Spiderman™ exists and he is a good guy.
It is almost as if we all believe in separate universes based on what we desire our identities to be.
Why is that important for them?
They create and put us into identities that don’t allow us to coordinate our efforts with each other (other children).
They organize us into groups of children.
Day care. Nurseries.
We believe it is by our own volitions or organic leanings.
We submerge ourselves in the labels they offer.
The category buckets are guided by controlled opposition groups that look like they have political power but don’t really have any.
They distribute hopium, the drug of choice for the damned.
Repeating platitudes over and over.
The watchdogs bark but have no teeth.
They scatter the confusion of the “clown world” around us so we can’t see what they are doing to us. They hide themselves with mind tricks. We are brainwashed to not see them for what they really are.
Does anyone remember who coined the label "clown world" or when?
It probably came with Q. That was the smoke grenade that hid this phase of the “WW3 is Imminent” Psyop.
Just like AI is a misnomer you can hide things in plain sight by changing the name of the thing.
Here is a photo of Jacob Rothschild’s daughter, Alice. Does she look Jewish? No, she’s pretty cute and white. Which of you wouldn’t date her and never suspect she is one of the top bloodsucking Fake Jews of earth? Her father is the CEO or Spectre Inc.
There are no Jews. They hide behind this obscure label. You go to synagogue once a year and… Bingo! You’re a Jew? You wear this little hat. Jew?
Same thing with Whites. If you go back in time 1000 years and ask an Italian, “Are you white?” he would have to think about it. If you asked him are the Vandals or Goths white he’d say no! They’re barbarians! Our whole racial identity has been manipulated into existence with words. I’m not saying whites don’t have whiter skin than blacks or orientals. I’m just pointing out how they manipulate us via our view of our own identity.
They separate us into identity tribes.
There was a time when nobody cared if they were white. They were French or Polish. They identified themselves more by language, tribal culture, facial features, even clothing style.
The controllers don’t care if you are White.
They only care what you identify as.
They are building psych profiles.
They already know your race.
You can’t hide it.
They want to know what is in your mind.
Are you an #AdultEgoState or a #ChildEgoState.
If you are an Adult they have word hormones that can fix you.
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