I know some whites who identify as gangsta rappers.
They would gladly change the color of their skin if they could because they think blacks are cool.
Not the Bill Cosby type of blacks, mind you.
Not the Malcom X type of blacks either.
Eminem is one of them.
You’ve probably met some.
They are victims of repeated propaganda or brainwashing.
How many Christian Gangsters do you know offhand?
Zero. Why?
My point is not to start a controversy over race. It is to point out that race identity is a way to separate people into categories so that you can build a psych profile of them each.
Why? It is easier to control groups and get them to hate each other when you need them to. Because it is easier to control groups than individuals.
If everyone identifies as Middle Class how can you get them to fight?
Everyone is just as tired and sore as the next guy.
It all goes back to the #ChildEgoState.
It always points back to that.
They are controlling groups of children while at the same time reinforcing the notion that you are a child.
They could never do this to adults.
They are making you choose off of a predetermined multiple choice identity menu.
How do I know this?
It is the only argument they will not touch with a 10-foot pole.
It is a model/narrative that is Kryptonite to them.
It is a reality tunnel that points to truth.
And you can’t have an outbreak of truth ruining your game.
The mass delusion would have to be reworked from scratch.
The crescendo of thlipsis would have to end abruptly.
There would be no grand finale.
They know that their time is short.
Th-lipsis is the word John used in Revelation.
It means pressing down on a circle, causing tension.
It is translated in English as “great tribulation” like the world has never seen and will never see again.
There was an article written back in 2019 published by Scott Alexander.
In it a group of advertisers accidentally discovered a psychological weapon that they names Shiri’s Scissor. It cuts groups in half.
Since people are always hunting for things that grab their attention anyway, by inserting this click bait headline (Shiri’s Scissor), it made them get angry at each other because it proved to them that they were in the wrong reality tunnel and couldn't ever admit it. The truth was so obvious and they were so wrong that they couldn’t admit it even when they knew they should.
Only adults can change their minds.
Children will start rock fights over whether Spiderman™ can beat up Batman™.
The statements that Shiri’s Scissor comes up with are not lies.
They are the truth.
But only Adults can handle the truth.
I use Shiri’s Scissor statements all the time.
That is why reading this is often so unpleasant.
Children hate me.
In the end, the beast will get its WW3 thlipsis simply by collapsing everybody’s reality tunnels simultaneously. That is why they are digging them so deep. The world is now a runaway train of propaganda filled with screaming children. Then when they are desperate for a new reality they will be given one.
My guess is it will be a UFO invasion.
They will connect all the dots from Chariots of the Gods to NASA’s Secret UFO disclosure. Shows like Ancient Aliens™ have been priming this pump for years. They will tell us that Christ was an alien. Yahweh was an alien. Loki was an alien. And all their powers are due to superior technology.
Then there will be a sign in the heavens. And it will turn out to be the “good” aliens. They will tell us the “bad” aliens are on their way and we must prepare to repel them.
Then the plot can branch 2 different ways.
One way is that the “good” aliens are actually demons and the “bad” aliens are YHWH.
The reality tunnels will make families hack each other to pieces and the police state will help it along.
The other way is that both groups of aliens are “bad” and as fake as a Marvel movie.
The end goal will be a total wipe of population and memory of history.
Our overlords can then start from scratch like A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.
This time they get to become the Gods (or the Morlocks).
That is The Great Reset.
We all “saw” that one coming because they have been steering the whole planet that way in a subtle subliminal narrative inserted into our minds through hint-dropping.
Planetary scale Zeitgeist coincidences don’t just happen.
They are engineered.
We may be blind to the river but we can feel the current.
With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.