2 #WeaponizedHypnotism
Giving someone options is a way of actually limiting their autonomy (freedom).
It is a form of creeping tyranny.
The strategy is simple:
Start by suggesting options.
Once you have lured them off their original path you offer more options.
Keep offering options until they forget their way back.
This is a classic Milton Erickson trick. If you don’t already know, he was a pioneer in psychology combining hypnotism with double binds to help people overcome their problems. Our propaganda masters used his material to enslave us.
This is the danger of not knowing where you are going… your destination/goal must be remembered/memorized. There is a difference between your heading and your bearing.
Bearing is the direction you want to go.
Heading is the direction you are actually going.
Eventually, if presented with enough options, you find yourself pursuing a goal that is not yours.
This is why democracy is such a clever trick; you think you are getting more freedom and more control over your government but you are not.
First choice: do you want to vote Republican or Democrat? Then you get to choose which Republican or which Democrat. Then they offer you other choices: do you want welfare? School choice? Better roads? Fluoridated water? Legalized drugs?
Pretty soon you have committed yourself to a whole system of government that you really didn’t want but since you made all the choices that got you there -how can you complain about it now? You didn’t want this? But you said you did over and over. They make you feel guilty over your ingratitude.
But when the waiter brings out your dinner plate –you still have to pay for it.
So you reluctantly eat it.
The clever people in control give you these choices. They are selections… from a list. They are not your ideas they are theirs. They never asked you how you wanted to be governed, not even in 1776. They ask you only to choose the details. It is a double bind.
“So what color would you like to paint your cell?
“Would you like your toilet in the corner or near your cot?”
“Who would you like to be your warden for the next 4 years?”
And since you are making the selections you not only feel it is a privilege you also get the benefit of being proud of your choice. You can take personal pride in the location of your toilet or who your warden is. This is the essence of patriotism.
Patriotism honestly means “Who’s your Daddy?”
“I hear the Russian toilets are just holes in the floor. Glad I’m not in a Russian prison.”
Influencers like the Gateway Pundit (Pundit! The whole thing is a joke and they are announcing it) only address the issues of how the toilet got to be in the wrong place or who broke the handle. The most they will ever direct attention to is, “We got the wrong warden for the last 4 years!”
They only address the flaws in your selections. They only work within the scope of the operating double bind. Therefore they never expose it; they actually reinforce it. They perpetuate it as a given. They never speak about abolishing it. That is how you know they are part of the system and are not really your friends. Nobody, and I mean nobody, who is controlled opposition will ever yell, “Jail Break!”
This is basic stuff. I’m sure a lot of you have thought about this by now, especially if you visit the Corbet Report or Larkin Rose.
The myth and fallacy behind the DEMOCRACY DOUBLE BIND is that any choice is better than no choice.
But the real issue is: who is giving you that choice and why?
Here is what they know that you do not: