[Not a typo, folks]
These post civil war anti-KKK tactics were enacted by the administration of General Ulysses S Grant.
Most people have forgotten they exist.
But a certain type of people NEVER forgot they exist.
Hillary Clinton is the epitome of this type of person. She went to law school. Did you ever wonder what liberal lawyers in training focus on during their time in law school? She was a lawyer for many years.
Can you name a single case she ever won?
This uber-powerful person was our arch-enemy just 7 years ago but no reporters searched out her law record so we have no clue what she did for all those years?
Behold the power of hypnotic suggestion!
Nothing to see here. Look over here instead.
She is not alone. There are literally thousands of pseudo-communist lawyers all over the USA that have salivated over the idea of overthrowing our current incarnation of the Land of Liberty™ by subversion.
There is a reason we voted for Trump.
We feared Hillary.
We didn’t know what she could do but we knew she was a force to be reckoned with.
We knew she was devious and evil.
We also suspected that she was not alone.
And we felt deep in our heart of hearts that if she was the most powerful person on planet earth we would all be afraid of what she would do to us.
Building the wall was just a debate topic.
Nobody really thought Trump could follow through and build a wall.
Did he deport the illegal Mexicans or did he simply slow down the rate of crossings?
But of course this is not about Mexicans (or whoever else has been crossing the border). They are just pawns.
We are just pawns.
We must remember that in the end this is always about Fake Jews.
It is a war between Fake Jew Adults and Goyim Adults.
All the zombies are just pawns and cannon fodder.
Once these anti-KKK laws start being used they will not stop at protecting illegals.
They will creep into the purpose of protecting LGBTQ+.
They are all pawns on the chessboard.
Then they will finally be used to protect the Fake Jews from anti-Semitism.
Those powerful greedy dual-citizenship overlords that have tormented us with rampant usury will soon have all of our civil rights safely tucked away and we will finally be treated like KKK domestic terrorists.
Not like now where we are sometimes deplatformed. Cry me a river! That is merely an annoyance.
No, all non-schizo-zombies will be truly persecuted, imprisoned, tried, executed, or worse. Think Gitmo/Abu Ghraib. And the one people that the Fake Jews hate most of all the people of the world are those Christians who will not deny that Yeshua is the Messiah –the population of which is dwindling.
The one big sore spot of all Fake Jews everywhere is that they killed their own Messiah.
They can never admit it.
They went so far as to change their own holy scriptures and their calendar to obfuscate the fact that Jesus arrived on the exact day he was supposed to, 490 years later, AVIV 1, 27 CE, the day he was declared Messiah at the Jordan river.
Regardless of what they ever tell you about anything, that is the one truth at the center of everything they do. The common Fake Jews may not know it but their rabbis do.
OK, enough of that.
Let’s turn the page and get back to the civil war they will plunge us into.
The recipe of destruction…