Is not in its teeth
It is in its coordination
To keep you guessing where the next bite will come from.
LESSONS FROM PHOENIX: base on the research of Doug Valentine part 2
Expand the size of the police force to handle all the extra surveillance. Create a police class just above the commoners class with special privileges and extra respect. Most cops love these things more than the money.
Once the school busses start blowing up on a weekly basis your cops will become too busy trying to hunt down the invisible enemy so you will need to create a special branch of investigators and a clearinghouse of information. You can call it Facebook. This crack team will be looking tirelessly for deviations from normal behavior.
Soon, some of the more clever natives will begin to figure out what is going on. They will see the writing on the wall and extrapolate which direction it is headed. You will use this to your advantage. They will go to the Chinese next door, who recently had a “successful” overthrow of their corrupt regime, for help. Make sure you pre-plant people who will help them. They will be easy to spot since they are novices at the game and you are experienced. Win their trust and give them a few guns and a lot of bad advice.
After a while you arrest your new contacts. Of course you give the credit to your friends at Facebook for a few of them, it will help legitimize their budget. Keep the trial a secret. People will forget about them soon. The arrests will cause paranoia and suspicion among the people. “Who knew that Long Duck was Viet Cong? He was so nice. I thought he was just a carpenter.”
Take the rest of your prisoners and get more info from them. Make them list their network of contacts and note who the smart ones are. Don’t disrupt this homegrown group of revolutionaries. You need them. They will soon become your Viet Cong (VC) whether they know it or not. If you kill them now you will have to start all over and all that is left are the most timid of the population. It will set you back a decade. Let them go. They are now your personal informants deep inside the “terror group.” They owe you and will not talk to anyone about what happened. If they talked to each other then they could turn the tables on you so make sure you threaten them hard.
At some point you will have abused the people so badly that a true insurgency will sprout organically from the soil of the land.
You must let them know you mean business so you will have to make examples of a few of them. Organize kidnapping and assassination squads (counter-terror teams). Usually local criminals will be perfect for this. Just search the prisons and find the ones who really like to hurt people, the psychopaths, then give them a target. Choose someone who is just smart and outspoken enough to give you trouble in the future.
Continued in (Pt3)