base on the research of Doug Valentine part 3
base on the research of Doug Valentine part 3
Either you kill them (and when you do you also kill everyone around them so that everyone will be scared to be even in close proximity to a suspected Viet Con rebel) or you kidnap them and bring them to an interrogation center. At the interrogation center you learn how to make them talk. Let’s just call it what it is. It’s a torture center.
In 1965 the CIA assigned John Muldoon to pre-build these buildings for this purpose in all the counties of Viet Nam. They were not just built to torture but to observe, take notes, and learn what works. They learned that waterboarding (also called the Chinese water torture) was the most effective technique for loosening the jaws of a VC. Now they can use everything they learned on you. A couple years ago I read a report that there were CIA black sites like this discovered in Chicago.
In Viet Nam the CIA conducted over 40,000 assassinations. That does not include the collateral deaths surrounding the target which is 12 times greater. Remember, the important reason for the killing is to scare everyone away from anyone rumored to be VC. This is exactly what Barack Obama’s father did in Indonesia – he organized death squads for the CIA.
The resulting confusion creates a world of double and triple agents. The constant climate of paranoia that it creates makes trust impossible at any level. Humans without trust devolve into animals. But it must be done.
See, since no one can take down the empire militarily the struggle must take the form of guerilla warfare. All warfare is like this now. Empires do not fight each other. They fight 3rd world colonies. Counterterrorism is directed at civilians. Iran Contra, Iraq, Afghanistan, they hire mercenaries like Blackwater and place bounties on high value targets.
They must also set up phony patriotic militias but not let the patriots know they are being recruited. They control all sides to keep them off balance. Solutions are impossible. The Phoenix is a mythical bird that sees everything. In Viet Nam they were running 244 Intel Ops Coordination Centers (IOCC) these are now called Fusion Centers in the digital age. They gather data to manipulate the situation and plan kidnappings/assassinations since they know where everyone is and will be. Since the Deep State is the apocalyptic beast version CIA and they are using the same playbook I can only assume that you have one of these Fusion Centers already somewhere near you. In Nam they had them at the county level, a network at the state or provincial level and at the federal level (FBI).
Final: (Pt4)