People who use the term “White fragility” or “White privilege” can be sorted into one group while those who use “White genocide” can be put in a different bucket.
LLM can do this at the speed of light. But there is more to a human than just this one issue. It does not answer the question “is this person White?” it answers the question “does this person identify as White?”
It is all about self-identity.
They want to know your identity because they are influencing it with their words each and every minute of every day. This is why they call it identity politics.
Notice that just a couple decades ago your class identity was important.
Were you calling yourself “Middle Class?”
Rich? Poor?
When was the last time anyone used these terms?
See how quickly they can change your reality?
They divided the middle class by focusing on race.
One big army became a bunch of little ineffective armies that view each other with suspicion.
AIPAC is the most powerful lobbying group in the nation.
Why doesn’t the middle class have a lobby pressuring politicians to respect it?
It would certainly be much more powerful than AIPAC.
Here is how they changed the class labels to make them unrecognizable:
Their narrative is: White Supremacy is this overarching invisible support structure that commands and controls everything and oppresses blacks, Mexicans, transsexuals, and the poor.
Rothschilds themselves hide deep inside this myth. They are using layers of obfuscation, hiding their crime cartel within a population like a chameleon would hide in a tree. They are not Jews unless it suits them to color themselves as Jews so they can use the holocaust as a defense. All the other time they are Welsh or German nobility worshipped in plain sight.
That is why they are using racial identity as a tool –because they have no race.
IDENTITY POLITICS is a method of ideological possession.
It is not much different from demonic possession.
If a person thinks he is demon possessed and acts like it then he allows society to treat him like it is true. Would anyone bother to check to see if he is faking it? No. Why would he? Who would fake something like that? You chain him to a wall in a tomb and stay away.
Targeting segments of the population with identity politics is a way of organizing people (who are in the #ChildEgoState).
You must become immune to identity politics (i.e. sociological control).
When an animal interacts with his environment he doesn’t say to himself, “I’m a cougar. I should be doing this…”
Does a cougar know that he is a cougar?
Or does he do what he does via instinct?
But humans caught in this trap of identity politics do not have instincts unless they are outlined for them.
It is all new ground.
“I’m a Nazi. I should be doing this…”
“I’m conservative. I should be against this…”
“I’m Black. I should believe that black lives matter.”
“I’m a Jew. I should be overly sensitive to anti-Semitism and should have certain built-in neurosis regarding the holocaust.”
They assign identities to us –both the label we call ourselves and the actions associated with it.
They catch people.
They describe the characteristics of a cougar then entice you to become one.
Later, they change the behavior of the cougar.
But now that you joined with your own free will you are stuck.
You have the tattoo.
Most people sign up to be Nazis because they want to cast off the chains of the Jews. But all they end up with is a room full of propaganda that gets tossed in the dumpster after the funeral.
This doesn’t just happen with Nazis. Birchers, Christians, even Jews fall for it.
Used propaganda has a landfill unto itself.
It can’t be recycled because it is full of old outdated terms and behaviors that would embarrass the cult.
What you give your attention to is your identity.
-Luke 12:34
Do you have a daily check-in with your favorite propaganda watering hole?
Does it influence your thinking for that day/week?
Do they occasionally introduce you to a new catch phrase, meme, or word?
Are you the first to introduce your electronic friends to that word or do you find that as you surf other similarly themed sites that others are already using this word?
They are not sweeping all your words.
Why would they?
They are not your 8th grade grammar teacher grading you on your syntax and spelling.
To do that would require a lot of processing and storage.
They are cheap.
They are trying to control everyone as quickly, easily, and inexpensively as possible.
They are looking for their words coming out of your mouth.
Plagiarism is a type of flattery. If weaponized it is mind control. Propaganda.
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