OK, are you still in the #AdultEgoState?
As you were objectively reading the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments did you see how they were intended to apply to freed Negro slaves but could be equally applied to other new citizens today?
Then you saw the loopholes too?
Blacks had to prove their age. How? Do people keep birth certificates for livestock?
All Female Blacks were excluded in the amendments.
And every white who fought in an insurrection was excluded from holding office. Those previously in office were required to be removed.
No changes at all were made to the constitution until 50 years later when the bankers passed the income tax amendment.
Now let’s continue.
Even though the 14th amendment was enacted as law it needed to be micromanaged into the local level.
But the KKK was an underground secret society.
It had official members but it also had the tacit approval of all the Southerners.
They had to approve of it.
Their lives depended on it.
If you were a slave wouldn’t you want revenge for all the lashes? I would. Honestly, I am shocked that the freed slaves showed so much restraint! Truly it boggles my mind.
If the roles were reversed and you (as a White slave) were freed in one day from the painful back-breaking tyranny of a race of Negros and you outnumbered them 300 to 1 do you really think there wouldn’t have been a genocide of blacks by sundown?
The way I hear the White National Socialists talk in GAB I can’t picture it going down in any other way. You would be pissing on their corpses and sleeping in their houses that same night.
There is only one force I know of that can explain why the Blacks did not slaughter their masters. It is the Holy Spirit of Yeshua the Messiah. Nothing else can hold back a completely justified frenzy of revenge of that magnitude.
No amount of guns can. Do you know what level of firearms technology the Southerners had back then? Alone, the fear of guns or bullet wounds could not account for it.
These people were covered with scars. They were hardened. Total freedom for a bullet wound would have seemed like a bargain!
In the light of this situation the North passed a whole shadow level of Federal laws to infiltrate, undermine, prosecute and destroy the KKK.
These laws are still on the books.
They have not been used for over 100 years but they are still there.
I have been exploring them because I am certain that they will be resurrected in the aftermath of CW2.0. But this time they will be used to protect the hordes of illegal aliens that have crossed the border recently.
Remember the issue of “The Dreamer Act”? If you live in the USA long enough illegally they will give you a SSN and citizenship. Tucker has been broadcasting for years that this is the big Democrat long-term plan.
He calls it “Replacement Theory.”
If the illegal aliens become legal they will take the role of the freed Blacks. And the American citizens who oppose this will be pursued as the KKK was.
The laws give the Federal government the ability to route out all ad hoc secret societies. All that is needed to trigger their enforcement is a national insurrection.
I am convinced that is the purpose of this Civil War 2.0 narrative.
BTW –I didn’t think up that name. None of us did. It was “given” to us.
Can you remember when you first heard it? Nope. Me either.
That is how you know this is a planned psyop.
They planted the seeds well in advance.
All they need is to water them at the appropriate time –Election Day 2024.
I’m sorry but this is GAB. I am running out of space. If this was a book you could just turn the page. But as I pointed out before all social media (including newspapers) are designed to be short and stupid – for the Child Ego State.
I am not getting paid. I don’t want money. If you think this is too long then feel free to abridge it. Post it elsewhere. It’s free! It is not copyrighted. You don’t need to give me credit.
This is analysis the likes of which you will not find anywhere else on the stupid mockingbird internet. The reason I can write this is because I am in the Adult Ego State.
You can be too!
Once you are there you won’t have to read my thoughts on paper –you can make your own!
That is the power of the Adult.
Try it.
See what you have been missing.
You birthright as a child of God has been hidden from you.
If everyone in America was discussing this openly they would be powerless over us.
But at this point we are no better than slaves: the Whites, the Blacks, the Mexicans, ALL OF US!
It is time to turn the page.
What saved the Whites of the South was not whips. cops, laws, or the KKK. What saved them ALL was this photo below. Hard wooden pews and a dirt floor. It was the “suggestion” of Jesus to forgive your enemies that saved them all.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth… If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also… love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”
All those other attempts to control the blacks were counter-productive.
It is time to turn the page.